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Send Guests a Confirmation Email
Send Guests a Confirmation Email

Let guests know that they're all booked in!

Emma Knight avatar
Written by Emma Knight
Updated over a week ago

Please Note: Guests who have booked online will receive a confirmation email automatically.

For those guests who you have contacted you directly to book here's how you can send them a confirmation email of their booking.

Search the guest's name or email address in the Search tab, or locate their reservation on the Dashboard. Once you’ve opened their booking, scroll down to the grey Send Confirmation button.

Remember: There needs to be an email address attached to the booking for you to be able to see this button. Click the Edit button under the guest’s name and add their email address if you haven't already done so.

You will be able to see that the confirmation was sent by pressing View Paper Trail.

Don't forget: You can customise this email to say whatever you like see the Customised emails guide for more information on how to set this up.

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