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Adding an 'EyeCatcher!'

Add a visible strapline to your booking engine

David avatar
Written by David
Updated over 2 years ago

Ever felt that you wanted to draw your customers' attention during the booking process? Then Eyecatchers are here to help!

To set up an Eyecatcher you first need to go to Account > Extension Store and install Eyecatchers.

Once installed you will find Eyecatchers in the list here when you go to Account.

You can use them for anything you want to promote to your guests such as selling Gift Vouchers, advertising upcoming events or restaurant and bar opening times.

How do a I set up an Eyecatcher?


Title - optional

You can give your eyecatcher a title such as

Gift Vouchers

Description - compulsory field

If you are just informing guests about something and aren't using a title or linking out to a page you can just add a description here and we will centre it within the eyecatcher.

If you have a title the description will sit under the title. So if you are using it to sell Gift vouchers you could add here Looking for a Gift Voucher for someone?

Background and Text Colours

Here you can set the colours to match your booking engine or website colours.

If you are used to using Hex colours then you can change this by clicking on the up and down arrows here.

Link Location

If you want to link your guests to a separate page - For example for them to buy gift vouchers you need to add the page link here.

For Gift Vouchers you need to add /gift-vouchers

This will then show as a Learn More button on the Eyecatcher


You will then see a preview of what your Gift Voucher looks like, so for my example it would look like this,


Make sure you set the status to Active for it to show.

What does it look like on the Booking Engine?

Enquiry View

Calendar View

How many Eyecatchers can I have at one time?

New - You can have as many as you like and they will display on the booking engine in a carousel.

You can also re order the Eyecatchers in this screen by dragging and dropping them

Note: If you have Promos set up they will show after an Eyecatcher in the Carousel.

You can find out more about Promos here.

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