The Exact Stay Rules

Force guests to stay for specific periods of time.

Hannah Benneworth avatar
Written by Hannah Benneworth
Updated over a week ago

An explanation of the Exact Stay Rules.

Exact Stay Check In
This ensures that guests checking in on that night stay for exactly X nights. For example, an Exact Stay Check In of five on a Friday means that guests must stay until Tuesday night and check out on Wednesday morning. They can't book for any other number of nights.

Exact Stay Any
This ensures that guests staying on that night (regardless of when they checked in) stay for X nights. For example, a Maximum Stay Any of five on a Friday means that guests checking in on Monday can stay 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 nights. However, guests checking in on a Tuesday can stay 1, 2, 3, or 5 nights. Guest checking in on a Wednesday can stay, 1, 2, or 5 nights. Guests checking in on a Thursday can stay 1 or 5 nights. Guests checking in on a Friday can stay only 5 nights.

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