How do I set this up?
Go to Accommodation at the top of the page and select Optional Extras
Give your extra a name and a description
Next you will see a box "This item applies from the day after check-in? (Breakfast, etc.)" to offset the Optional extra
βAdd you price and select the option "Per Room Per Night"
Specify how many guests can buy per booking
Select the bookables (rooms/units) with which the extra can be bought
Add a photo
Click Create this Extra and Exit
Setting your Optional extra up this way, will show the day the extra is for booked for on the Fulfillment report.
What is the difference between the Optional Extras Report and the Fulfillment Report?
The Optional Extras Report will tell you how many optional extras you've sold in a month and the Value (It will show the date they were booked and not the stay date)
The Fulfillment Report will show you the date the extra was booked for (stay date), The Optional Extra booked, Quantity, Room/Unit, Guest Name
To run the above reports, go to Insights > CSV Reports > New CSV Report