As you will be aware Google is sunsetting Universal Analytics on 30th June 2023 and you are required to move over to GA4. This guide helps you get started on how you can continue to track your Inn Style bookings in Google Analytics.
Important note: These events fire when a guest completes a booking and lands on the reservation confirmation page. However, if you have a Custom Confirmation Redirect set up, these events will not fire. In such cases, you'll need to implement a different tracking solution or remove this redirect
First you will need your GA Measurement ID
Go to Admin > Property > Data Streams > Click on Data Stream > You will see the measurement id on the right hand side which starts with a G
Next you need to insert this Measurement ID into your Inn Style Account. Once logged in you need to go to Account > Website Integration
Scroll down to where it says Google Analytics 4 Integration and enter your measurement id here.
Cross Domain Tracking
For Cross Domain Tracking you will need to do the following in your GA4 account:
Go to Admin > Property > Data Streams
Click Web and then click a web data stream.
In the web stream details, click Configure tag settings (at the bottom).
In the Settings section, click Configure your domains.
Add here either your Inn style subdomain for example ( or your custom domain if you have one set up.
Please follow this link for more information:
To Track your Conversions
Under the home option in the lefthand bar click on Reports
You will now see a heading called Life Cycle
From here you need to click on Monetisation > E-commerce Purchases
You will now see a table as per above screenshot, you can filter by the following
Item Category = Bookable type
Item Name = Room/Bookable Name (unit)
Item ID = Reservation Number
For More Information
We would suggest taking advantage of the GA4 Explorations functionality which will allow you to create custom reports. For more information you can view Google's official documentation on Explorations or watch this step by step video.
Referral Exclusions
If you added domains as referral exclusions on UA this is set up slightly differently on GA4 and can be found in Data Streams and you need to follow these steps.
Go to the Admin section.
Scroll down to Data Streams.
Click on the "Web" data stream.
Click on Configure tag settings (under Google Tag Section)
In the Settings section, click on Show all (right-hand side)
Click on List unwanted referrals.
Under Include referrals that match ANY of the following conditions:
Choose criteria for the match type.
Under Domain, enter the domains or the identifier for the domain you want to match.Click Save.