Daily Report

Help see how key dates are performing with the daily business report

Emma Knight avatar
Written by Emma Knight
Updated over a week ago

The Daily Business report allows you to see how well sales are going for a particular date.

Here you can add a report date so this is the date you'd like check how sales are going for - for example New Years Eve 31st December

Then you add a date you like to check sales up to so in the example below we've used up to 5th November.

The report gives you

Number of rooms booked

Total booking Value

Average Daily Rate (ADR)

Occupancy %

RevPar (Revenue per available room)

You can use it to compare how sales were this time last year too, to see if you've sold more or less rooms for the same periods. You can also change the bookings made for date to capture how well a date has sold month on month for example.

It's ideal for quickly checking how sales are going for key dates in your calendar and comparing sales to previous years.

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