There are two ways to see what optional extras a guest has added to their reservation.
Booking Confirmation
When you receive the copy of the guests confirmation invoice you will see here which items have been added as extras to the guests reservation.
If you go into the guests reservation on Inn Style you can use the search button (magnifying glass) or click on the reservation from the dashboard.
Once in the reservation underneath the booking information you will see a section called Added to the Bill.
It's here you will see which optional extras have been booked as well as your compulsory extras. You will see the description of the extra, the date the extra was added to the booking, the booking it is associated to, Tax to be added (if applicable), the extra which was booked, the date the extra is booked for, how many were booked and the cost.
You will then see these, added to the bill items in the Totals area of the reservation.
You can see a breakdown of which optional extras are associated to which bookings by running a Room Analysis Report which can be found in Insights > Room Analysis