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For when you want to copy your prices from one year to the next or from one bookable to another or from one rate type to another!

David avatar
Written by David
Updated over 9 months ago

There's no doubt that pricing can sometimes seem a little tricky. We have made it easy for you to copy your prices from one set of dates to another.

To copy your prices you need to go to Prices > Pricecopier

Press "Make a Price Copy"

You will then have 3 options:

  1. Dates - You can copy all prices for all bookables from one date range to another.

  2. Room - You can copy all prices from one room to another room.

  3. Rate Type - You can copy all prices from one Rate Type to another.

Lets look at copying dates

  1. Click on Dates

  2. You will see the screen below

In this example we are going to copy prices from Saturday 1st Jan 24 to 31 Dec 24 over to 2025.

You will see here my Destination start date is Saturday 30th Dec this is because the day of the week needs to be the same in the from date and the destination start date.
Doing it by selecting the same day of the week will ensure that your minimum stay rules, no check in rules or higher prices at weekends for example, all transfer across correctly.

Please Note: If you already had prices loaded for the date range you are copying them to so in this example 2024, this copier will overwrite them!

3. Once you've pressed Next Step you will be able to either copy the same prices or you can choose to Modify them.

If you select NO then the prices will be copied exactly from this year to next.

If you select Yes you will be shown the modification screen like this.

Here you can add the amount you want to increase prices by, so in this example we are increasing prices by £5, but you could make a percentage increase too and your prices will be rounded up to the nearest £ (or whatever currency you are selling in).

Then press Copy Prices

We then put prices in a queue to be updated. They are copied after 5 minutes just incase you've made an error! In which case you can delete it by pressing remove request.

Once you have closed the screen, above you can also cancel the request by pressing the red X here.

Come back after just 1 minute or refresh the page and you will see the update has been completed.

Please Note: The Pricecopier copies all prices in the Grid from x to y - make sure you do some spot checks to make sure that this is all correct, don't forget about peak times and Bank Holidays that change each year as you may need to re-adjust those dates manually to ensure they are correct for your business needs.

Also make sure that the date you are copying FROM has prices loaded.

We cannot undo anything after the update has been completed.

If you want to copy your Rooms (or any of your bookables) to another Room or bookable then select ROOM

Your screen will look like this:

If you want to copy one Rate Type to another then select RATE.

Your screen will then look like this.

Of course if you get stuck and need a hand, please contact us via the chat support or call us on 01473 487350.

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