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Connecting to Expedia

Inn Style has a direct two-way connection with Expedia. Here's how to get connected!

David avatar
Written by David
Updated over 2 months ago

The Approval Process

Please read this guide thoroughly if you'd like to connect your Expedia account to Inn Style. There are four steps to the manual approval process.

  1. You go to your Expedia PartnerCentral account and request Inn Style as your Channel Manager - You can do this by going to Rooms&Rates > Connectivity Settings.

  2. Expedia informs Inn Style that you want to connect your property

  3. We ask you to read, understand and agree to the following information

  4. We approve the request from Expedia

Let’s make things clear

The primary purpose of connecting to Expedia is to prevent you from manually adding bookings into different calendars. The second purpose is to enable you to edit prices and rules from within Inn Style – so everything is managed from one system.

Please note: Inn Style does not change anything about your contractual obligations with Expedia. You will still pay them the same fees, and you will still be bound by their T&Cs.

If you can't accept a booking because your availability wasn't up to date, you may still be liable for the commissions charges, and potentially the cost of providing alternative accommodation.

If in doubt, close it out

If there are specific dates that you can sell for a high price – such as a festival – be very, very careful.

If you're only taking bookings up to a certain date on Inn Style, you must manually add closures for further dates on Expedia – otherwise guests can still book.

People are always looking for bargains for these events, so if you accidentally release availability for one night at the normal rate, it’s likely that you’ll sell it fast.

We recommend closing these important days out on Inn Style before performing your initial sync. Once you’re live, you can add higher prices, minimum stays or simply close off availability on Expedia if needed. You can then re-open the rooms on Inn Style to enable direct bookings only.

If you’re concerned about selling a lucrative weekend for peanuts, please get in touch and we’ll do some checks. However, please note we can't be held ultimately responsible for any inaccuracies.

Happy to proceed? Then let’s begin!


To set up the connection, login to your Expedia Partner Central, click Rooms and Rates > Setup > Expedia Connectivity Settings.

Choose Inn Style as your System Provider, and ensure you've selected both connectivity options for Availability and Rates and Booking Retrieval. This ensures that all new bookings made through Expedia will sync to your Inn Style Dashboard.

Once you've requested us as your provider, we'll receive a message from Expedia. We'll then get in contact with you.

Inventory & Rate Mapping

Next we need to match your rooms and rates on Inn Style to your room types and rates on Expedia. 

Your bookables (rooms, cottages, tents etc) are separate units on Inn Style. Put simply, if you have seven rooms, you have seven bookables.

Expedia works on room types. So if you have seven double rooms, you won't see seven separate units – you'll just see one unit. In this case, it would be Double Room – and that will display a ‘rooms to sell’ value (in other words, how many rooms are still available). Rooms to Sell would show seven if you’re empty. It would show zero if you’re full.

During setup, we need to match your bookables in Inn Style to your room types on Expedia. Sometimes the room descriptions will be listed differently on Expedia, so it's important we know exactly which room matches what. We will ask you to confirm this information before we connect you.

If you have multiple units within a category, for example seven separate double rooms, Expedia will list all seven double rooms – you won't be able to just send a few of the units from one category. If you only want to send some of the units, please let us know and we will have to map these separately. 

During set up, we also need to match your rates in Inn Style to your rates on Expedia. The rates have to map 1-1. So if you have multiple price options, you'll need to reflect this on both sides.

Synchronise Prices

Once the rates have been mapped to your Expedia room types, we'll synchronise your prices and rules. 


Expedia favours accommodation owners who give them plenty of availability, so don't be afraid to be forward thinking. Once you've chosen your date, Inn Style pushes your availability to Expedia.

Any time you receive a new booking, regardless of its origin, your availability will automatically be updated on Expedia. Similarly, whenever you add a closure to your Dashboard, it will automatically push through to Expedia. 

What does Inn Style actually sync?

In short, Inn Style pulls bookings from Expedia into Inn Style and pushes availability from Inn Style into Expedia. Expedia bookings will be yellow in your Dashboard.

Rates and rules already loaded in Expedia are not automatically synced.

Pulling bookings from Expedia into Inn Style

Remember: We can only pull in Expedia bookings after the connection is switched on. This means all existing Expedia bookings will need to be in Inn Style beforehand. Please contact us if you need to import existing bookings into Inn Style. 

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