What does the Grid do?

The Grid is an overview of all of your prices and rules. It's great for making small changes.

Hannah Benneworth avatar
Written by Hannah Benneworth
Updated over a week ago

Use the Grid to view, amend and optimise your prices and rules.

Once you’ve finished using the Price Updater, you'll most likely find yourself looking at the Grid.

At the top you'll see the date range and price/rule that's being displayed. The column on the left hand side lists your accommodation, with a separate row for each Rate Type underneath.

How to view and edit prices on the Grid

The first thing to do is to set the dates you’d like to view. Use the From and Until boxes at the top of the page. Then select what you’d like the Grid to display. Finally, click Show on Grid.

For example, this is what it would look like if you wanted to check your min stay check in of 2 nights until the end of the year:

As you can see, the Grid displays all of the information you've requested, and you can scroll to the right to view further dates.

You can also click on dates to make quick changes.

Each time you click on a box, you're changing one date, on one Rate Type, for one accommodation. These changes are saved automatically.

Top tip: This type of editing is great for double checking your prices and rules, or creating quick last-minute discounts.

Optimising with the Grid

Altering your Minimum Stays on the Grid is a great way to optimise sales and occupancy. The red squares indicate where you already have bookings, so you can easily change your minimum stays accordingly to attract more guests. 

But the optimising doesn’t end here! You can also use the Grid to increase prices for dates that are selling well, and decrease them for less popular times.

View one accommodation at a time

If you’d like to see a full overview of just one accommodation type, simply click the accommodation name on the left hand side of the Grid:

This allows you to view everything at once, with a separate grid for each Rate Type. You can edit prices and rules in the same way (by clicking the dates). You can also use the drop down list at the top of the page to view other accommodation units, or select All Accommodation to return to the original view.

Remember: If you’ve only got the one accommodation, this is the view you’ll see automatically. All the features of viewing and editing the grid work in exactly the same way.

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